cardio after hair transplant

cardio after hair transplant

It’s best to hold off on cardio for a while after a hair transplant to allow the transplanted hair follicles to heal properly. Here’s a breakdown of the recommended timeline:

  • First 1-2 weeks: No strenuous exercise is recommended. This includes cardio activities that get your heart rate up significantly and cause sweating. Light walking is okay, but avoid anything that might dislodge the grafts.
  • After 2 weeks (consult doctor): You might be able to gradually introduce light cardio like walking at a slow pace. Still avoid sweating excessively.
  • After 4 weeks (consult doctor): With your doctor’s approval, you can usually resume most forms of exercise, including cardio. This is because the transplanted hair follicles should be firmly established by this point.

Here’s why waiting is important:

  • Sweating can irritate the scalp and hinder healing.
  • Increased blood pressure and heart rate during strenuous exercise can dislodge the grafts.
  • Contact sports or activities with a risk of head impact should be avoided for at least 4-6 weeks to prevent follicle damage.

Always consult your doctor:

These are general guidelines, but it’s crucial to consult your hair transplant surgeon for specific advice on your recovery timeline. They will consider factors like your individual healing process and the type of hair transplant procedure you underwent.

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